Monday, January 26, 2009

Co-Sleeping Alert!

I admit that I have co-slept with my infants on occasion. But this news story gives pause for thought. Infant suffocation and strangulation has gone up 4-fold in the past 20 years? Mostly due to co-sleeping? Eeeek!
Most of the deaths that could be determined were by "overlay" — the parent rolling over onto the child.

Other causes include suffocating in soft bedding, becoming wedged between a mattress and frame or wall, or getting a head caught in something.

"To our knowledge, it is the first study to document the national trend showing a fourfold increase in accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed infant mortality in recent years," the CDC team wrote....

Evidence shows that babies should be laid to sleep alone, on a flat mattress, with no loose pillows or blankets and in a crib with bars designed to prevent entrapment.

I, personally, make sure that the only blanket I put on my baby is a crochet blanket with holes in it for air flow. And I have often found them sleeping with the blanket pulled over their face.

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