Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chuck DeVore is running for Orange County Board of Supervisors

Chuck DeVore writes:
Chuck and I

$600 Billion.
That's how high California's unfunded government employee pension liabilities could be, even as I write this. For context, California's current deficit stands at about $25 billion.
Sadly, this isn't just the Democrats fault. Republicans, including former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, helped make this problem worse.
Many Republicans have talked a good game, but when government union bosses asked for gold-plated pensions, they caved and voted to give them your money… and your children's money.
This is unsustainable. We can do something about this.
I am preparing to run for the Orange County Board of Supervisors.
My likely opponent, former Supervisor Todd Spitzer, is the father of Orange County's pension crisis. 10 years ago Todd Spitzer voted to give billions of your tax dollars to government unions – retroactively. He says he now regrets his vote.
The trouble is that when Spitzer served for six years in the State Assembly he voted with the union bosses time and time again, putting you on the hook for billions more while raking in tens of thousands of dollars in donations from those same government union bosses. The battle to end the era of Big-Government Republicans starts right here, right now, in Orange County.
Soon, voters in Orange County will have a choice: returning to office a Republican who works for the union bosses; or voting for a proven fiscal conservative.

I asked Chuck Devore what his plan is for the Orange County pension system and he told me, " to convert new employees to defined contribution (401K) from defined benefit and we need to increase the contributions for existing employees, otherwise, the taxpayers will be on the hook for more than they can possibly afford."

This is a plan I can get behind and I urge you to support him in his run for office. He is a fine, constitutional conservative, one of the best I have met in politics.

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