Monday, March 10, 2008


I took baby A to the pediatrician this morning for his 4 month checkup and vaccinations. They were out of the DPT shot so I will have to keep calling them and go back later this week for that when the shipment comes in. {eyeroll} What a pain. And baby A will have to go through 2 bouts of feeling yucky because my kids always feel badly after the DPT shot, and he already is feeling bad (I can tell) from this morning's shots. Poor baby. His weight was up to 13 pounds 14 ounces, which is what I thought it was. His length is 24.25 inches, so that puts him in the 25th percentile for height and weight. Pretty typical for my kids to weigh in like that at the 4 month checkup. He has been perfectly healthy and eating well lately and the doctor is pleased with him so all in all it was a perfect checkup.

I also dropped by the post office and mailed off the last of the stuff for baby A's passport. So all 3 passports have been ordered and now we wait. I had to have a form notarized from dh to even get the passport, so I went ahead and had him fill out a permission form to take baby A across the border and put in the dates and all and had that notarized while we were at it. I'm wondering if I need to get my 8-y-o's dad to give me a notarized permission statement if I bring court papers to the border showing that I have full custody and decision-making on him. Anybody know if that is good enough?

I feel compelled to discuss my weight after reading Swistle's blog the other day about a "suspicious Lack of Talk" on certain topics, implying that things are not going well. My Lack of Talk has been more because I don't want to keep bragging. I have been hanging steady at my breastfeeding goal weight (130 pounds at 5'7") for the past month or so. Yesterday I weighed in a 1/2 pound over and today I weighed in a 1/2 pound under. So I am fluctuating right where I want to be. And this is despite the fact that I bought an entire bag of Hershey's Bliss Milk Chocolate candies, which are similar to Dove chocolate, and ate about 8 of the delicious little candies.

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