Saturday, March 7, 2009

Let's make this simple

My husband and I were discussing the economy this afternoon. And we came to some conclusions. First, the economy is already half destroyed. Hard to argue, since the Dow Jones Industrial average is now less than half what it was at its recent high. There *were* some areas of the economy that were doing OK, though. Health care, for instance, tends to do OK during an economic downturn. Tends to. Unless the President of the United States announces an All Out War against the health care system.

Why is President Obama doing this now? Why is he focusing on health care when the economy is in shambles? Why can't he take some of the energy he is putting into health care focus groups and find some employees for the Treasury Department? Did you know that Treasury has NO upper level employees? No undersecretaries. Nobody. Nobody except Geitner. And that is the department that is supposed to administer the programs for the economic recovery.

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