Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday Follies, Saturday Stupidity, Sunday Salvation

I have had it up to HERE with this presidency. I really have. And the Democrats.

All year they have connived their way through the halls of power doing the exact OPPOSITE of what they promised. They told us there would be transparency in Washington. Was we got were Friday evening info dumps. Of course the big things would happen on Friday. The talk show hosts won't be able to comment until Monday and America is busy with weekend plans.

Also, let's not forget the Saturday-midnight legislative sessions. What on EARTH reason would there be to lock legislators into a room and force them to vote at midnight on a weekend or Christmas Eve, unless it was to force them to do the wrong thing and to escape the constantly ringing telephones calls/faxes from the American people.

Is there hope for us as a nation? Are we still good enough to rate God's blessings? Are we virtuous enough to teach our children about religion and respect and honor? Are we courageous enough to push back against governmental bodies who decide to trample our God-given rights as outlined in the Constitution?

I'm doing my part. I have the boys enrolled in religious school and scouting. We attend regularly and talk about right and wrong. But I hear attendance is down at many Judeo-Christian religious establishments. Our forefathers were no atheists. I read something recently in a book by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin. He said that there are no atheists. That when people turn away from God, they always install something else to worship in His place. Will our society survive or will we crumble as decadent pagan societies have before us.

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