Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dem believes that GOP "stranglehold" is due to the uneducated

I click one innocent-looking link to a census story on Huffpo and one of the first comments I read is a doozie. Basically says that the only reason Republicans have a hold on this nation is because the Republican base are rubes. Never properly graduated high school, and thus are easily fooled by the dastardly Karl Rove.

Could it possibly be that the "republican strangle hold" is due to independents realizing that the democrats were socialists in disguise? Infantile pacifists who would destroy our entire nuclear arsenal and declare unilateral peace on Earth? Guess how long that would last....

News flash, libs: Conservatives don't even trust the Republicans. We are trying to take over that party again, just like your Obama/Reid/Pelosi leftists took over the democrat party.

"karl rove is well aware, it s harder to fool a guy with a phd than a guy with a ged. the ged base is the republican strangle hold on the nation."-big tom

Babies think it is never their fault.

And by the way, this west coast rezident thanks the rest of you for voting conservative.  Keep going strong.  Libs are running scared.

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