Thursday, January 3, 2008

Heavy rain coming

We are expecting a heavy rain this weekend. I have used it as an excuse to "batten down the hatches". The kids and I picked all of the oranges off the tree. They are delicious. DS-8 took the rocks and dirt out of the outdoor drain. He wore gloves and said that it was the dirtiest/muckiest job he had ever done in his life. What a kid! What a helper. He was also climbing on the ladder to get the oranges. He got all except the very highest. I got those using the ladder with a long grabber-type claw instrument. We put away all the ride-on toys. I also cleaned the garage and got all the accumulated boxes and junk organized and put away. Now the space for the 3rd car is open for the most part. The problem with the garage is that in a really heavy rain the water pools by the back garage door, and sometimes drains across that portion of the garage. So all the things on the garage floor need to be water proof. I have also been organizing the disorganized parts of the house this week. You know. Those corners where junk accumulates. I have been going through it and putting things where they belong. I have a huge pile to donate. And I have jammed the trash can and recycle can with stuff. It is such a relief. In late pregnancy I was too big/tired to do this work. And for the past 2 months I have been running hard to keep up with the baby and I was also run down and sick. I am finally feeling better. And I could not believe it but baby A slept a full 8 hours last night, from 8:30pm to 4:30am. I was incredulous when I woke up, and I didn't even feel the need to go back to sleep. DH laughed when he got up and I told him that I had already cleaned the garage this morning.

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