Friday, September 3, 2010

Individual Donated 1.5 Million For Arizona Defense Fund

PHOENIX -- A Wyoming man has given more than $1.5 million to help defend Arizona's controversial immigration enforcement measure in court, Gov. Jan Brewer's office said Thursday.
The contribution from Timothy Mellon of Saratoga is the largest to Brewer's defense fund, which has amassed more than $3.6 million from 41,000 donors nationwide. Mellon could not immediately be reached for comment.
The latest legal bills released Thursday show Brewer's office has spent more than $440,000 for the first two months of defending the law.
Luvinusa commented: "What a farce. The feds are using our tax dollars, from the 70% of U.S. citizens that support Arizona, to sue Arizona and make that same 70% donate personal dollars to defend against our own tax dollars being used against us. A classic example of "taxation without representation", which was the fundamental cause of the Revolutionary War. History does have a way of repeating itself. No wonder these sorry bastards are about to get flattened in November."
More here.
Many thanks for Mr. Mellon and all Americans who have donated to keep America a free and sovereign country.

The address for contributions is:
The Governor’s Border Secvurity Legal Defense Fund
c/o Governor Jan Brewer
1700 W Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007

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