Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Panel of Former Muslims Says Overtolerance Could Hurt USA

I don't know how I missed this story in February. This pretty well settles the question about the "peaceful" American muslims. That would be about 2% of American mosques. Emphasis added.
Apostasy killing of former Muslims could become widespread in the United States if the U.S. government and Americans don't "wake up," a panel of three former Muslims said on Capitol Hill Thursday.

The talk, hosted by three members of the new civil rights organization Former Muslims United, marked the first public appearance as a self-proclaimed "apostate" of Iranian journalist Amil Imani, one of the founders of the group. Imani and the panel's two other speakers, authors Nonie Darwish and Wafa Sultan, told the audience that ingrained American religious and ethnic tolerance and myths about Islam are combining to gravely threaten the West.

"Shi'a radical Islam and Wahhabism is coming to this country," Imani said. "There are 6,000 mosques in the United States now. All the money [we] put into gasoline comes back here and is used in the teaching of hate, violence, etc., etc." in American mosques, he said.

Sultan, who said she regularly gets death threats and emails from people saying they will cut off her fingers and rape her daughters because she left Islam, said it is merely a myth that Islamic terrorists misinterpret 'true' Islam for nefarious purposes.

Westerners "don't want to judge anybody based on their [religion]," Sultan said, "[But] Islam is not a religion. Islam is a very dangerous political ideology. ... There is no such thing as radical Islam and regular Islam or spiritual Islam. ...There is only one Islam."

In the fall of 2009 FMU sent 111 pledges to Muslim organizations in the United States affirming the right of Muslims to leave Islam and not be punished or killed. (Shari'a, Muslim law, calls on Muslims to kill those who convert or otherwise leave the faith.) The document asked recipients to sign and return the pledge to FMU. Just two groups did.

The response is proof of a silent, creeping tolerance in the West for radical ideology, a development that augurs very badly for a free society, panel members said.

And on that note, I am sad to say that Pamela Geller has issued a plea for help. The death threats against her have ramped up, and she needs to increase her security. As she operates on a "shoestring", that means she needs our help. If you can, please help Pamela. She has been in front of this issue for years.
It is now a steady stream of threats, intimidation and violent screeds.
I must increase my security. It is costly. I need your help. Badly. Please contribute something (anything!) to help me defray the costs of the new and significant expense. There is no money in what we do. Neither I nor SIOA or FDI has benefactors, donors, etc. We operate on a tattered shoestring budget, but we get it done.
We use every dime that good people send to buy buses (1oK a city), taxi tops (10K a city), stage rallies, etc. We need real money to stage the 911 rally against the Ground Zero mosque. If you wish your contribution to go a specific issue (ie Ground Zero rally, bus campaign, security...), just specify. The Ground Zero rally on September 11th is going to need your help. The security costs for the rally will be enormous. If you want to contribute to that specifically, go here: Stand with us on September 11.
Help me keep myself and family safe. 
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