Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Polls Are Not Accurate: Dem Radio Pundit Says

The reasoning is this: polling relies on land lines, which are used overwhelmingly by older voters. Young voters have cell phones.

OK. I can see the logic. But I have a question. How is it that the polls were SO incredibly accurate two years ago, but today they are hopelessly flawed. Two years ago they showed Obama up by five percent. They now show generic Republicans up by ten percent. Yes, the same Republicans that this radio guy says are still the party of "NO" with "no new ideas". He can't understand why voters would want a party like that to lead America.

Kind of sad. This commenter can't admit that Democrat failures and nullification of voters' wishes could lead to such virulent disenchantment. He takes no responsibility at all. He can't begin to point out that voters are pursuing a new brand of non-incumbent Republicans. Like maybe some real Conservatives. And that even the oldest, stuffiest incumbent Republican is better than the bluest Blue Dog Democrat, because at least they don't take their marching orders from Obama/Reid/Pelosi.  Americans have suffered much these past two years at the hands of Democrats, and we have learned some hard lessons.

Come on, Dems. Wake up and smell the polls. Americans are burning with a fire for November. We can't wait to elect grown ups to government. We can't wait to throw the socialists out of office and repeal socialist programs like Obamacare that continue to poison the economy and stifle private sector job growth. Is that so hard to understand? Is that so hard to admit?

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