Sunday, May 15, 2011

UPDATE: Russell WINS against flood, Moat WORKS! Many thanks to all who helped to save his home from flood

The water is gone now. What a great group of people. They saved his HOUSE and YARD!

50-year-old Russell Petty is a resourceful man with a lot of good friends. And it looks like he may end up keeping his house. A house that should be halfway filled up with muddy water right about now.

Before the flooding arrived in earnest, a neighbor documented the moat construction. Interesting to me was that the sandbags were originally stacked right up around the house, but were later moved to support the levee. I'd put my money on the levee, too, as he is able to pump out the water from behind it. I love American ingenuity!

The Fox News story on this has a bunch of comments referring to Obama's wisecrack about moats and alligators. Do you think he stepped on a lot of toes with that one?

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