Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The lie of moral equivalence

via baynews9
Some will say that Americans celebrating Osama Bin Laden's destruction are as bad as the dancing Palestinians of 9/11/2001. We know this is not true. Celebrating the end of a mass murderer of innocent civilians is quite different from celebrating the murder of innocents. The same people danced and passed out candy in the streets after 9/11 and after the Fogel family murders.

Please be on the lookout for news stories that try to claim moral equivalence in the middle east. A bomb sent to destroy a school bus is very much different from a bomb sent into a terrorist's hideout, or when a terrorist's home is bulldozed, after warnings are sent to the women and children to depart. Very much different and not the tit-for-tat scenario that many news outlets try to paint.

Here is an assignment.  Please tell me how the India/Pakistan conflict is even-sided.  Are India and Pakistan morally equivalent?  Or is one country trying to force the other to submit.  Submit to Islam, perhaps?  Is one country instigating terror against the other?  After finding Pakistan hiding Osama Bin Laden, there may be a reason why Indians are nodding their heads and quietly saying, "we told you so."

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