Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank you, Obama, for changing our nation.

via truegritpatriots
We have changed in so many ways in the past two years.

I remember when Americans would yawn and run in the other direction when somebody brought up the topic of the national debt ceiling. No more. A vast majority of Americans are paying close attention to this issue. And I wager that the voting on this issue will have great sway in the way Americans will vote in 2012. Politicians who decide to sell out our nation's future so they don't have to deal with problems today will feel our wrath. They can laugh all the way to the unemployment line.

I remember when Americans believed that terrorism was caused by a few violent extremists, who misunderstood and perverted the religion of islam. Not so. Islamic moderates, those who are yet un-murdered by their muslim brethren, are the ones who misinterpret the Koran. Mohammed clearly states that war will be made on unbelievers unto the end of time or when islam rules all. We are fooled by taqiya (lying) no more. The 19 hijackers perfectly represented their religion. As much as it would be nice to believe otherwise. We ignore this information at our peril, as the buddhists of Thailand now know. Babies and children beheaded for being buddhist? Par for the course.

I remember when Americans thought that Israel had problems with Palestinians because they had not made enough land deals such as "land for peace". This could not be more wrong. Muslims hate Israelis because they exist. They hate all non-muslims because we exist. Giving more land to them simply weakens our defenses against them. An outcome that they favor, of course. And unwise.

I remember when Americans frowned when entering the voting booth and meekly voted for the lesser of two evils because "that's how politics works". Well no more. We must take this country back in hand. We must re-strengthen the Constitution or we will have no protection from tyranny. Our forefathers gave us a system to protect us. But only if we can keep it.

Thank you, Obama. Your breakneck attack against America, highlighted by Obamacare, an entitlement program that would weigh down an overloaded expense equation and bankrupt this nation quicker than Social Security and Medicare are already doing, woke us out of our slumber. With any luck, we will reverse the destructive course you have set for us.

Thank you, Obama. You offended our friends and cozied up to our enemies. You woke us up to the need to create our own brand of foreign diplomacy, which we do every day on the internet. Our friends know they have friends here, no thanks to you.

Thank you, Obama. You declared September 11th to be a day of national volunteerism or some such nonsense. The good people of America already do a LOT of volunteering, and we don't need you to show us how. And we also don't need you distracting us from a solemn day of remembrance of our dead and the MUSLIMS WHO DID IT.

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