Monday, June 27, 2011

Bachmann announces candidacy, fighting off Chris Wallace

I saw Chris Wallace's interview of Michelle Bachmann yesterday on Fox News Sunday and I was livid. He ripped her on every issue he could sink his teeth into. Culminating in an attack where he quoted her worst enemies in Washington, claiming that some call her a "flake". She handled his blistering interview with aplomb, and he later apologized for the Flake question.

But I saw the whole hour. I saw him interview the next politician with a much softer tone. And a comment he made toward the end of the program put it all into perspective for me. Wallace spoke about the Jon Stewart interview the prior week. He defended himself against Stewart's accusations of Fox's being one-sided coverage, and Wallace told Stewart at one point that he is proud that Fox tells the "other side of the story". Wallace admits he wished he said that Fox tells both sides of the story. Then he went on to comment that as you can see "today", he is hard on both Republicans and Democrats.

Huh. So that's it. He savaged Michelle Bachmann in order to restore his own tarnished image? Didn't help with me. I normally enjoy watching Chris Wallace, but his interview of Bachmann yesterday was more of a public beating.

Bachmann, to her credit, is a scrapper and her eyes were still twinkling at the end of the interview. Whatta lady!

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