Saturday, June 18, 2011

Please help Israel this week!

Reblogging in full a post from The Conservative Lady. I happen to think that our best bet is to spread the word about this atrocity-in-the-making before it happens again. Let's make sure the forces arrayed against Israel do not contain Americans or American companies. Please help by spreading the word about the new "flotilla" on Twitter, Facebook and on the blogs.
There are some interesting things I just came across regarding the Gaza Flotilla that was supposed to sail in May 2011 but is nowrescheduled to June.  Looks like Israel has some tricks up it's sleeve to stop it:

Shurat HaDin (SH), the Israeli Legal Center, is implementing several strategies to stop the international flotilla against Israel. One is a civil lawsuit against 14 ships set to participate in this flotilla.  A second action is Shurat HaDin's legal warning to Inmarsat that under U.S. law they will be open to charges of aiding and abetting terrorism if they provide services to these Gaza-bound ships. A third action by SH is their letter to maritime insurance companies informing them that by insuring sea vessels used by terrorists their company will be liable for any future attacks carried out by those terrorists. Read the sections below for the details of SH's actions.

Visit the link below to see an interview with attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner who talks about legal actions being taken to stop the Gaza Flotilla and how the public can help out.

Here are ways you can help: 

Civil Lawsuit Filed Today Against
Gaza Flotilla Ships by Terror Victim
The Audacity of Hope is one of the ships that could be seized
A civil lawsuit has been filed against 14 ships, including at least one American-registered vessel named The Audacity of Hope, that are set to participate in a reprise international flotilla against Israel.  Dr. Alan Bauer, a Harvard-educated biologist and terror victim injured in a 2002 Jerusalem bombing, is the plaintiff in this suit that was filed in Federal Court in New York City.  Read more...

Here is a sample letter, fax or email they are asking all of us to send to AG Eric Holder:

Dear Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.:

I am outraged that extremist groups have raised funds in the United
States to furnish equipment to outfit the Gaza flotilla boats that are
intended to breach the Israeli coastal blockade of the Hamas-
controlled Gaza strip. This is a blatant crime committed against one
of America's closest allies in support of a designated terrorist
organization. I respectfully request that the Department of Justice
immediately investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of this

Mail address:  Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., United States Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
Fax number:  (202) 307-6777 
Email address:

My biggest question is...will Attorney General Eric Holder do anything to help stop the Gaza Flotilla?

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