Monday, June 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann is one of the bravest patriots in public office

I will never forget 2009. It was a miserable time to be a conservative. Dems held control over both houses of congress and Obama was sprinting into socialism as fast as possible. Their only opponents were outspoken Americans who quickly formed the Tea Party. And a handful of public officials. OK, less than a handful. In fact, in 2009, almost NO Republicans would speak out against the Democrats and their agenda. Only Dick Cheney, no longer in office, and Michele Bachmann. I remember how grateful I felt that she was brave enough to stand in front of TV cameras and state her opposition to Obama's socialist healthcare policies out in the open. Her payback came when Pelosi committed the Democrat machine's power to unseat her from congress in 2010. Didn't work, thank God. Bachmann remains in her congressional seat in Minnesota. And now she announces a run for president? I support her. And one of my favorite bloggers, the Right Wing Peace-Loving Pussycat, feels the same way I do. Yay!
I will vote for Michele Bachmann in a second. I wish I could vote for her 100 million times.

Michelle is the only one who has even suggested rolling back the liberal agenda. She wants to start by dissolving the Federal Dept of Education - An Abject Failure, just like all liberal departments and programs.

Folks if we don't roll back liberalism, which we haven't done Ever, the Dems WILL get in again in 4,8 or 12 years and just pick up where they left off. And that's assuming this large weak dependent percentage of population we have doesn't put Obama back in office. Not even Ronald Reagan (OK, Dem congress, but still) did not roll back a single abject failure liberal program or department.

In my opinion, this is our last chance.

I would LOVE to see Michele pick Allen West (or a couple others I could name) to be her Vice President.

Can you imagine Dumb and Dumber being replaced by an Ultra-American like Michele Bachmann and someone else with probably the best bead on reality that I've seen in a while - Allen West ? Wow.

Ok, I said I'm not going to blabber on about the election of 2012, but Michele Bachman entering the race is an obvious exception.

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