Sunday, July 10, 2011

Harry Potter, a bittersweet ending

I remember being irked when my now 22-y-o daughter brought home the book Harry Potter way back in the beginning. I had given her twenty dollars for the school book faire, and I hoped she would buy some low-priced paperbacks. She bought one expensive hard-backed book on the recommendation of the book lady. Of course we all fell in love with the book and camped out at bookstores at midnight as each new book was released.

I still read a chapter a night to my 8-y-o son, and look forward to re-reading the books with my younger kids. It is the gift that keeps on giving. Many thanks to the cast and crew for making such wonderful movies. I can't believe that they were able to keep up the quality through EIGHT movies. Usually sequels are terrible. They all deserve much kudos.
L to R, the actors who play Voldemort, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco at the British premiere
July 15th is the official U.S. release date, but there may be opportunities to see it earlier.  Studio lot fundraisers and the like....

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