Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sickening. CA passes bill mandating gay history in schools. Veto, please?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California lawmakers on Tuesday sent the governor a bill that would make the state the first requiring public schools to include the contributions of gays and lesbians in social studies curriculum.
The bill, passed on a party-line vote, adds lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as well as people with disabilities to the list of groups that schools must include in the lessons. It also would prohibit material that reflects adversely on gays.
Democratic Assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco says SB48 is crucial because of the bullying that happens to gay students. Republicans called it a well-intentioned but ill-conceived bill and raised concerns that it would indoctrinate children to accept homosexuality.

"This bill will require California schools to present a more accurate and nuanced view of American history in our social science curriculum by recognizing the accomplishments of groups that are not often recognized," said Assembly Speaker John Perez, the first openly gay speaker of the California Assembly.
The bill now goes to Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, who has not said whether he would sign it. Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar bill in 2006.
Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican from Twin Peaks, said he was offended as a Christian that the bill was being used to promote a "homosexual agenda" in public schools.
"I think it's one thing to say that we should be tolerant," Donnelly said. "It is something else altogether to say that my children are going to be taught that this lifestyle is good."
I hate when the gay agenda comes up in my kids' faces. Talking about gays with kids brings up the topic of "what is gay, mommy?" This can force a discussion of Anal Sex with a child who is likely to be too young to learn about sex at all. Will gay history be taught to 5-year-olds in Kindergarten? What is to stop them if this bill is not vetoed by Governor Brown?  Maybe Southern California really DOES need to split off from the Northern part of the state.  Californians already spoke against the Gay Agenda.  52.5% of us are against Same Sex Marriage.  59% of young CA voters age 18 to 34, are also against Same Sex Marriage.  I imagine at least as many are against a homosexual agenda being shoved down our kid's throats in school.  This is beyond ridiculous.  Our children are not guinea pigs for social experimentation.  That is not what they are enrolled in school for.

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