Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Replacing Beck with Beckel, et tu, Fox?

It is a mean joke, replacing Glenn Beck with Bob Beckel and other unnotables in the new show TheFive on Fox News. It is not that I watched Beck that often, but I know his heart was in the right place. And why am I left wondering why Fox and Beck parted ways so quickly after Beck became an outspoken proponent of Israel, and so soon after Fox was bought by the Saudis. Hmmm.

In the meantime, Beckel rubs salt in the wounds. Yesterday he called us, the Tea Party, anarchists. He said, "they like to call themselves patriots, but they are anarchists."

Hey, Bob. Look at the header on my blog. That may look like anarchy to you because your kind are always projecting your hatred and tendency to violence onto others. It was in reality a large, peaceful gathering of dedicated Americans who are genuinely worried about the direction our once-great nation is headed. These people had the temerity to bring trash bags to the National Mall and clean up after themselves. But you don't recognize that.

You want to know what we Tea Party Patriots really call ourselves? Constitutional Conservatives. I'm sorry if the idea of adhering to the American Constitution offends you. Wait. Scratch that. I'm not sorry at all. Anyone who is offended by our Constitution needs to take a long boat to somewhere and never come back. No need for you to distress yourselves by observing Americans living in liberty, right?

Michele Bachmann is a Constitutional Conservative. I bet you didn't read her piece in the Daily Caller yesterday. You probably won't read the following quote either. But you should.
I believe our founders knew what they were doing when they designed a limited government with specific, enumerated powers. I’m also convinced that many of our problems result from the federal government’s insatiable — and unconstitutional — grab for power and money. On issues ranging from light bulbs to bailouts, to the Dodd-Frank banking legislation, Washington has been on a destructive spree of bureaucratic empire-building. It’s time for that to stop.
It's not anarchy, hon. It's the opposite. It is the rule of law, not the rule of often flighty, selfish politicians.

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