Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Barak Obama update

I'm in a hurry this morning. Baby A is in his car seat and starting to wake up. I'm recuperating from a fever yesterday, still coughing and sniffling.

My friend called yesterday. You remember. The one who was on Harvard Law Review with Barak Obama. DS-17 asked what that was and I said it was a prestigious school newspaper. ;-) Her news is lately she has been doing a lot of speaking engagements around the Los Angeles area. When organizations call up wanting Senator Obama or his wife to speak, they are often not available, as they are in Iowa or some such place. So they offer one of his old law school buddies to talk instead. And that is what she has been doing. She will get 2 days off for Christmas, then she has been asked to go to Iowa for 10 days and help campaign over there. I can't wait to hear how that goes.

BTW, everybody else in the family is sick. The baby least so, thankfully. Good thing I am breastfeeding. It was REALLY hard to take care of him yesterday when I was feverish. I had trouble eating, my body ached all over, I was hot and cold and he wanted to nurse all day (as usual). So I breastfed him and we slept together on the recliner. Luckily DH came home early and I stayed in the recliner. He had to handle everything. It was all I could do to take care of the baby. I feel better today, but I'm going to take it easy so I don't have a relapse.

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