Monday, December 3, 2007

I'm still learning

I'm still learning about nursing and taking care of babies too. Yes. After 6 babies and 19 years. Here is my newest stuff.

The picture above shows me trying to perfect my use of the Maya Wrap. I have been going onto the website called to find more creative ways to use the baby carriers I already have. Little A loves to be carried, so he seems to appreciate it. At least he cries a lot less than when he is put down between feedings. I read that it is best to keep the baby as high up as possible, and the rings as high up without them being directly on the shoulder. I must be doing something right, because I was never able, with any of my prior kids, to get them in the upright position in a ring sling. Little A loves being upright and he settles down so nicely whenever I am able to do it, so it is worth the effort for me. And it is easier on my back/shoulders. This is an old-style Maya wrap. No padding. But it works great and I feel so frugal using the same carriers for child after child.

The Moby Wrap is great too. I used it yesterday for my first LONG walk. I used to go for long walks, 1+ hours, through the hills where I live. I stopped after the second trimester. It was so great to get out yesterday, the weather was sunny and brisk. And there were a bunch of people out decorating their houses, so it was particularly fun. The Moby was good for the long walk because it was on both shoulders. I did find out something on that website that ticked me off about the Moby wrap. The moms said that it doesn't work too well for babies over 15 pounds because the wrap is made of stretchy material (t-shirt type material) and it sags. I am bummed to hear this because I SPECIFICALLY bought it to carry a heavier child because it goes on both shoulders. I guess I should have done more investigating beforehand. :-(

This picture also shows my newest thing. I saw on that website one lady who mentioned that she wears Old Navy tank tops under her shirts so that when she breastfeeds, she lifts up the outer top and pulls the tank down below that breast. A light bulb went on when I read that. Having my cold tummy hanging out all winter while bfing is a major pet peeve of mine. I ran down to Old Navy Saturday night and found that the tanks were on sale for 2 for $10. I got 6. You can see the long tank top below my other top and I am so happy now with the breastfeeding. This will help when I have to NIP (nurse in public) as well. I am getting less and less sore now, so I will probably get into more situations were NIP comes up. The tank top gives me SO much more confidence to do that. That way people walking behind me in the grocery store won't get a gander at my bare ribcage in the frozen foods aisle. Brrrr!

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