Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dudes. I Saw Avatar. Twice.

Yep, you heard that right. I, who almost never do that. Especially not any animated or pseudo-animated movie. I would rather be home washing dishes than sit through most movies for a second time.

But last night the older boys wanted to see Avatar again. And as I saw Avatar for the first time in 2-D and we proposed to see it this time in 3-D, that seemed reasonable.

I know mostly Conservatives read this blog, so I will take a moment to address James Cameron's apparent Green Agenda. OK. The guy loves trees and the environment And he portrays the military as corporate lackeys in league to destroy as many environments as possible in search of the almighty dollar. Yep. Naked Hollywood Green Agenda. I saw it right away, was momentarily annoyed, then got back to enjoying this GORGEOUS MOVIE.

Avatar really is very beautiful. For me, the visual majesty of the scenes is one of the most fun parts. But also the way in which the plot brings me in and makes me care about the characters. So often movies leave me behind emotionally. Not this one. Even on the second go-round I was inwardly cheering and still got goosebumps.

And it was fun to stand around afterward and overhear grandmother types remarking how they were SURE they would not like the movie and found themselves unwillingly enjoying the heck out of it.

Did I tell you the 4:30pm showing was sold out? SOLD OUT. This movie has been out FOREVER.

Now I want to be able to tell you which version to see. But I can't decide. The 2-D version was brighter and more colorful and very very beautiful. The 3-D version was a tad bit murkier though still beautiful, and I had this contraption sliding down my nose the whole time. But I saw some things in 3-D that I completely missed the first time. Like the control room. They sat at consoles with holographic "cups" for screens around the round desks. Didn't even notice that the first time around. So some of the technological magic was lost in 2-D.

Either way you can't go wrong. See the movie on the big screen. You will be glad you did.

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