Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Nice Plate of ACORN Cookies Anyone? SEIU Perhaps?

Overheard from the White House kitchen staff:
Look at those BEAUTIFUL ACORN cookies. Mmm, mmm, mmm! A disgraced organization, you say? Pah! Pshaw! Surely you JEST! We PROUDLY display the symbol of the ACORN here at the pResident's Abode. We PROUDLY serve ACORNS FOR ALL!

We had to special order all those acorn-shaped cookie cutters, so don't underestimate our dedication.

Next week will be another round of "holiday" parties when the first family returns from abroad. I already have them working on a few batches of SEIU cookies. The logo was hard to put into a cookie format, so I had a few of their guys donate these handy cookie cutters:

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