Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dump Mark Kirk--Hillbuzz

I don't know much about local Illinois politics. But I must confess to having a soft spot in my heart for the reforming liberal bloggers at Hillbuzz, especially after they wrote a piece apologizing to and thanking the Bushes. These gay men now are having trouble finding dates because they refuse to hide their fondness of Sarah Palin. I am moved by this, so much so that I put them on blogroll. Their disappointment at Hillary's loss in the primary in 2008 has morphed into something...interesting. Hence the name "Hillbuzz", they started out as Hillary supporters.

I notice their story today is about wishing the Republicans had a strong candidate in the Illinois Senate race. I know some of you bloggers over there. Can you tell me what is going on?

We really and truly do wish — with all of our hearts — that Sarah Palin would get involved in the Illinois Senate race, on the side of Patrick Hughes, and push Mark Kirk under so that someone who can win the general election will be the Republican nominee.

We have said this again and again, but Mark Kirk will not win the general election — leaving us with Senator Giannoulias…this will send Alexi Giannoulias, scion of the mob-bankers Giannoulias family to the Senate. It’s like giving Tony Soprano’s accountant a ticket to Washington, and carte blanche to cook up all sorts of revolting pork projects for the mob back home....

Why do we care about this race?

Because this is for Roland Burris’ Senate seat. We are supporters of Burris, and we do not like the way the Democrats treated him. That makes us inclined to see to it Democrats learn a lesson by watching that seat go to a Republican. We also don’t like Giannoulias because his family runs the mob’s bank. Call us old-fashioned, but the mob’s bankers should not be Senators, in our opinion. We also don’t like Giannoulias on a personal level: he’s rude, crass, a giant windbag, and close personal friends with Dr. Utopia. The two of them often played basketball together, and who knows what else they got up to. Giannoulias is more of the Chicago machine that’s in Washington right now. Dr. Utopia would be delighted to have him in the Senate.

Therefore, every one of you out there should want to make sure that does not happen.

We do not think Kirk has what it takes to win. He is not a fighter, no matter how many times he tells you he was in the military. He is dishonest, wimpy, and vascillates more on issues than John Kerry. Kirk was for Cap & Trade before he was against it. He was against the Iraq surge before he was for it. Add in everything that’s coming out in his divorce, and you’ve got Jack Ryan level embarrassments with a tinge of Larry Craig and Charlie Crist thrown in as well.

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