Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senate Marxist Reid to Make It Almost Impossible to Repeal Obamacare

Every day the news coming out of Washington D.C. just gets worse and worse. Just when I thought I could no longer be shocked by the totalitarian Senate and Executive branch, I was…and am. On Monday, the Marxist-run Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided that he would make it virtually impossible for the American people to overcome Congress’ Machiavellian ObamaCare Death Plan. Betrayal is now the operating agenda of both the US Congress and Executive branch.

On the advice of the Marxist Senate “Parliamentarian”, using an illegal “procedural” measure, Marxist Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wrote an amendment to ObamaCare Section 3403 that states “it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection.” RedState reports that this “applies to regulations imposed on doctors and patients by the Independent Medicare Advisory Boards a/k/a the Death Panels.”

Although this change in Senate rules requires 67 senatorial votes, Reid decided to pass it as a ‘procedural matter’. Clearly, Reid is illegally and unconstitutionally changing the rules to better ensure that his and Obama’s totalitarian control of the American people is absolute and forever. It will require 67 votes to overturn the portion of ObamaCare that provides for the Medicare Death Panels that will decide who will die. But, the 67 votes required to make this change has been ignored by our Marxist government.

More at Canada Free Press.

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