Friday, November 5, 2010

COEXIST=dangerous philosophy for truly peaceful people.

via newsrealblog
Maybe in an ideal world COEXIST would all work out.  Like Rodney King, "can't we all just get along?"  Too bad that is so hard to do when the other side is out to murder you and your kids.  Because that is exactly what would happen if Israelis laid down their arms, and you might be surprised how quickly things would get bad in America if our soldiers laid down their arms.

I prefer the Peace Through Strength philosophy of Ronald Reagan.  It worked great, kept the bad guys in line, and we had a wonderful period of prosperity.

People like to make fun of Oklahomans for passing a law banning courts from considering Sharia law or international law when deciding cases, but if the law is so useless, why is everybody so up in arms about it.  And why not pass a similar law in Michigan.  Just sayin'....

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