Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Michelle Obama dons hijab for Indonesian mosque tour

Here is the divine Miss M enjoying her hijab experience while visiting the Istiqlal mosque in Indonesia. She looks completely happy, right? Well, no matter. Obama can beat her later if she displeases him. That's legal under Sharia law....
via freepers
Where is Michelle's stylist? Who thought this overlarge, ill-fitting suit would be OK for this occasion? Especially considering that Michelle would be expected to go barefoot. Look at her holding up her pant legs to walk. This looks like one of my boys after they put on their older brother's pants by mistake.
You know, I'm glad I posted that how-to-wear-your-hijab video a while back.  Michelle looks like she did a creditable job putting this one on.  I am sorry to see that she is not asserting her rights as an American woman, in the era of women's equality, to show her hair just as much as any man.  Michelle, you let us all down when you let them oppress you.  Please ban Sharia law for all our sake.  I know you can do this by executive order.  I hear that you and Valerie Jarrett run the White House while your husband watches ESPN.  Do it for your daughters.

Edited to add:
Now, apparently, one of the Indonesian ministers claims that he was "forced" to shake Michelle Obama's hand in the receiving line when the Obama's arrived, that that he "regrets" shaking her hand.  As a muslim he is supposed to avoid touching women.  No wonder Michelle avoided travel to muslim countries prior to this trip.  This is becoming too much.

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