Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Theo Spark's Mum needs get-well cards in UK

Theo Spark is a gracious and generous blogging friend, and if his mother is anything like him, she must be a woman of great character. It looks like $0.98 is still the postage to send a letter or card from the U.S. to the U.K. Let's help to shower her with love from near and far.
Many of our readers will know of my mothers recent health problems. What I would like is for every one of our readers to send a get well card to my mum. 

I know times are hard for many of you but her health has been ruined by the NHS (read Obamacare) and a few cards and a few good wishes would be appreciated.

Her brother has now evicted her from her home and she needs needs some support.

Anyone wishing to send her a card should sent it to.

Mrs Jilly Spark
c/o Amberley Hall
55 Baldock Drive
Kings Lynn
PE30 3DQ

PS I would like to see her get 1 million cards.

Update: I have had several requests to make finantial donations to help my Mum. 

Any donations will be put into a savings account for her. Please donate into this paypal account or enclose with the card.

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