Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What is going on in California, I don't know.

We conservatives in California are hurting. No matter how hard we try, we can't help our state. Now we have a "simple majority" to pass liberal spending measures? We are for sure circling the drain now. :-(
Maybe CA needs to be trashed completely before people wake up. Maybe if they go to the beach one hot summer day, and it's closed, they'll wake up. Maybe if they can't get on the freeway without paying by the mile they'll start to think differently. Liberalism is one thing, but mindless leftist robot voting is another. It's not just ignorant, it's now quite dangerous.

And many of you can laugh and carry on about how crazy voters are here - and they are - but you better be careful because this state has a huge economy, even now as gutted as it is. And CA has the juice to take a lot of the country down with it if we don't get our collective s**t together. Anyway, here's my note to my liberal friends, some of whom are really hot women who will probably hate me now. But I don't care, because I probably should have been speaking up a long, long time ago.  Enjoy.

Barbara Boxer: The people of CA, hardest hit by a lack of jobs, re-elected one of the chief architects of this economy that has given us 22% unemployment [CBS News] in our state. I have to ask those of you who voted for her: Don't you !@&$^?! get it? Or you home owners:

When Jerry Brown repeals Prop 13, and your property taxes triple (like they did LAST time under his 'leadership'), will you be upset? If you lose your house, who will you blame?

Now over to Prop 23: When the CA Air Resources Board insists that you pay 25¢ per mile to drive on the freeways [San Jose Mercury News], will you think even for a moment that maybe -- just maybe -- you weren't paying enough attention? Did you even know that C.A.R.B. can do pretty much whatever they like to enforce AB 32, including raising gasoline to $9 per gallon? [According to CARB themselves]. Our state is on the precipice of being completely broke, and the voters just created a perfect storm for these people to finish the once Golden State off. And if you think I'm exaggerating - or making things up - fine, laugh at me. But one day I'm going to follow you to the gas station and laugh at your dumb ass.

I know many of you do not share my political views, but one thing we surely agree on - we love this state. With every election, the voters are making it more and more impossible to live here. Businesses and major corporations are leaving the state. Some of our finest recreation land and parks are being shuttered. Arnold just sold the ?!@$?#?^%?& Orange County Fairground for God's sake!  And you voted to keep things going in this same direction? You know I very rarely if ever post politically, because I have a lot of respect for all of you, and I realize that good people do disagree.  I know that people on the left and the right both love this country. I know that Republicans and Democrats are both patriotic care about this land. That has not changed.

But what really bothers me, deep down, is that I don't think many voters at all did a little leg work to find out what they were really voting on. You saw a commercial with a mother holding a toddler, who was taking a breath from a large inhaler, and you said "oh we can't have that! No on 23!"  I could go on and on - Meg Whitman understands business and how to get things moving again. 22% unemployment!  That means that more than 1 in 5 Californians is, at best, unable to find full time work as they used to have. But you voted for Jerry Brown, whose history is there to see. He has said, on his radio show, that our state needs MORE welfare and LESS jobs. He said that - word for word - I'm not making it up.  And as stupid as that is, as ridiculous as it is to think that voters would give ol' Jerry Brown a second chance to ruin the state - You did it. You voted him in.

I'm not upset because my 'side' lost. I'm pissed off because CALIFORNIA lost! I'm grieved because my beloved state -- where I have grown up, gone to school, played in the surf, fallen in love, worked hard, enjoyed such great times I could never recreate them in a thousand years -- is crumbling. We are watching the demise of what was once the envy of the nation. Hard working employees are leaving. Soon, there will be government workers and people on welfare, and nothing else. Again, you think I'm exaggerating? Look around you. The state is losing its collective grip on reality.

No, I don't care about politicians - I wasn't so hot on Meg Whitman myself. I have no love for these political leaders on either side. But what happened tonight is that the California voters lost, and they don't even know it. And that's just pathetic.
Hat Tip via JimmyZ on Resistnet.

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