Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Team Mom for Little League

I have been scrambling today to get things organized for the Little League team. Talk about getting my mind off of other things. Here is a copy of the email I sent to the families today:

Dear Families,

Here is the latest update on Little League stuff:

1) This Saturday is the Opening Day party and Picture Day. Have your player in full, clean uniform and lined up at the photography area by 10:55am. The pancake breakfast starts at 8am. The mayor will throw the first pitch. There will be a dunk tank, parade of teams and guest speakers. The ceremonies begin at 11:30am. This will be at Travis Ranch Field. Here is more picture day info that was sent to me by the team mom leader: " EYLLL will provide, at no cost, to each player, one 3-1/5x5 photo, four wallet size photos, one 5x7 team picture and one photo button. If no additional photos are ordered, only the top portion of the photo envelope needs to be filled out. If additional photos are ordered, they must be paid for on Picture Day. Each player must have an envelope to turn in at the photo tent. This tent is white and will be located on the grass between the Single A right field fence and the Majors first base dugout. After your parents/players have checked their envelopes at the tent, you should gather them together, group them shortest to tallest, and see me at the gate next to the Majors first base dugout." " We also have a booth where kids can design their own rhinestone tee shirts or hats. (A portion of the cost will be donated back to EYLLL.) Girls or Moms can also bring their jeans and have them decorated with rhinestones as well."

2) Cookie Dough forms are due to me by Friday March 2 at practice. I need to turn them in to the League the following day. The team mom leader clarified to me that "No one has to sell cookie dough. Everyone has already paid their $25 at registration. If parents want to earn their $25 fundraising money back, they need to sell a minimum of 5 tubs of cookie dough at $12 per tub ($60). They will keep $25 and the remaining $35 comes back to EYLLL. Please make checks payable to EYLLL. More tubs may be sold, however the entire $12 per tub comes back to our League. Have parents turn in their order form and money to you (team mom), then, you need to complete the Final Order Sheet and turn that into me on March 3rd. When you return their cookie dough, also give them back their order form so they know who their cookie dough goes to."

3. We, as a team, will be assigned one weekday and one Saturday this season for Snack Shack duty. We will need 3 volunteers for a weekday shift and 4-5 volunteer workers for a Saturday. We will also have trash day duties assigned to us by the league. If we do not provide enough volunteers, our manager will be pulled from the field to work. Here is a recent update regarding this. :"Snack Shack: Please remember that your parents are responsible for their Snack Shack duty. If they choose to contact a worker (either paid or community service), they are responsible for that worker showing up and working the entire shift. I would recommend that paid workers be paid at the end of their shift. Keep in mind that paid workers need to be at least 16 years old and, if earning community service, at least 14 years old. If you have 14 or 15 year old workers, at least one adult must be present in the Snack Shack. No one 13 or under is allowed in the Snack Shack." If you know any teenagers who need community service, keep them in mind. Also, there is a list of paid workers that we can call, and I have the list (Mary Ann). They cost $25 per shift.

4) The following documents are due on Saturday, March 3rd. There will be a table set up on that day to accept the following (from the team mom): Medical Releases, Player Reward Form, Sponsor Forms, Cookie Dough Final Order Sheets. I will also take Golf Registration forms that day as well.

5) Golf Tournament: There is a golf tournament at the end of March at the Black Gold Golf Course. Non-golfers can attend the dinner only. There are hole sponsorships available for advertising. Also, they need silent auction gifts, at least 1 from each team. Some teams have done theme baskets.

6) Game Schedule: I have not received this yet. I am expecting this by email shortly.

7) Team sponsor: If you know anybody who might want to sponsor the team, it is a nice opportunity and they will get a team plaque at the end of the season. Minimum sponsorship is $150, and if we do not find a sponsor, we will have to collect this fee from all of the parents on the team.

8) Team Banner: This has been ordered and the cost is around $90. I will pay this and I will need to collect the money back from the team parents later, along with $ to cover coaches gifts for the end of the season and the silent auction gift basket.

9) Team Parties: It is customary to have a couple of team parties during the season and an end-of-the-year party. I am thinking Lamppost Pizza, but I am open to other ideas.

10) EYLLL Night at Cal State Fullerton: The date has not been set but it is a fun opportunity for the boys to see a college baseball game.

11) After-game snacks. We can rotate these duties. The league also wants you to know that if you do not wish to bring actual snacks, you can purchase one Snack Shack token for each child at $1.50 each (12 kids on our team). They want these purchased as we go along, and not in a huge bunch at the beginning of the season, as they don't want to run out of the wooden tokens.

Thank you for reading this LONG email. :D

Call me with any questions, or reply by email.



There was a minimum day at school today for my 7-y-o, and he has been wanting to go to the Japanese Teppan Grill near us because that was his reward for a good report card last time. So I am stuffed! He loves the way they toss the food at him. :D

I'm still on the run. I need to leave in 15 minutes to pick him up from Hebrew School.

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