Monday, March 12, 2007

scrambling like crazy today

Yikes, lots of loose ends to tie up before leaving town. I have been running around all day preparing for the trip. And I updated the little league parents on upcoming stuff. Here is a sample of today's mass email that I sent out.
Dear families,

Reminding you that we have practice tonight, Monday March 12 at 4:45 at Bernardo Yorba Jr. High, and a game on Wednesday night March 14 at 5pm and another game on Saturday the 17th at 12:30pm.

Our trash day is finally here! We get to do trash duty on Wednesday night, March 14th. We need to grab 7 trash bags from the snack shack and when the game is over, each family take a bag and empty any cans that are full all through the park. The full bags are taken to the dumpster. I guess these bags are heavy, so it may be more of a grown-up task than something the boys can do.

Thank you to Cathy Greenberg for purchasing our silent auction gift. She got a gift bag from GlenIvy Spa with a gift certificate and sample lotions. This gift needs to be given to Kathy Connor at the field on Sat. March 24th, and the last day to turn it in is the 29th.

The money for tickets to EYLLL night at Cal State Fullerton (Fri May 4 at 7pm) is due to me on April 16th at practice. 5 dollars per ticket.

The golf tournament is March 30th. Please turn in your registrations, if you wish to go. I have extra forms, and they can also be obtained on the website.

You may have noticed that the League is barbecuing every Saturday now
through the end of the season in addition to running the Snack Shack. They are in
need of people to help barbecue.

I have made a team party reservation for Saturday April 21. We will show up at 2:15 following our 12:30 game that day. They want the boys in uniform so that we will get free 2 large one-topping pizzas. Drinks are $1.50 with free refills.

Call me if you have any questions. I will be out of town this weekend so Ryan F. and I will miss the Saturday game.

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