Monday, July 16, 2007

21 weeks

Here is my belly this afternoon. You are really getting a tour of my maternity wardrobe. :-)

The kids have been having normal days at work. Things have calmed down and they feel comfortable there. DS is hoping that he can continue working on weekends through the school year. It sounds like a good idea because otherwise, when he visits from his dad's house, he just sits around most of the time. Only thing that worries me is the driving after the baby comes. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Maybe DH will have to pitch in.

DD and I are starting to think about back-to-school stuff. She will need furniture and kitchen utensils for her new apartment. Lots to think about.

DD also asked if I would get her a car, so I don't have to drive so much this summer. I told her that I didn't want to buy a car to save me from 5 more weeks of driving, as she will be on vacation with her dad for 1 week in August anyway. I said that if I could rent a car for her I would, but I thought most places want you to be over 25 years old. She said that some places rent to 18 year olds. I told her to price it on the internet and she found a rental place in Los Angeles that will give her a car with insurance for $2,700.00 for 4 weeks. YIKES! Not happening!

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