Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Running, running

My schedule really got busy today. Here's how my day went.

6:00am woke up, ate and bathed.

7:30am made lunch and got swim clothes and towel ready for DS8 to go to camp.

7:45am drove DS to camp bus rendezvous.

8:00am fed and dressed both little boys.

8:40am drove with housekeeper to drop off DS4 to first day of preschool. Reminded her to pick him back up at 11:30. Asked her if she would mind, in the meantime, driving DS16 to Knotts by 10:15am for the start of his work shift. She said OK.

9:30am left for work after wolfing down some more food.

10 to 2:30 worked at office and cranked out 4 med-legal reports.

3:15pm went to get oil changed and tires rotated, after the men promised I could get out in time to pick up DS from his camp bus.

4:30pm relieved housekeeper of the kids and paid her 1/2 hour overtime plus gas.

4:45pm picked up DS at camp bus rendezvous.

5:15pm served chicken dinner to 3 youngest.

6:40pm still waiting for call from DS16 that he is done going on rides at Knotts. Today is his first day to actually play and ride the rides. He remembered to bring clothes to change into after his shift.

This is a typical summer day, and it doesn't even involve DD, who will probably have slightly different shift times than her brother. That will cause friction and complaining, of course, when they have to wait for the other so I can pick them both up at once. So things will be getting even busier when she is added to the mix.

I hope this gets easier. DS8 will go to spend 3 weeks with his dad in another 2.5 weeks and that might help the schedule. I'm glad the baby is waiting until November to be born. The school year is so much easier to deal with. :-D

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