Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Everything is going fine

I have gained 9 pounds so far at 22 weeks. That leaves 18 weeks left and I have 21 pounds allotted for weight gain if I want to gain 30 pounds. That leaves me a nice, comfortable allowance of 1 pound per week. Yay! BRING ON THE FOOD!!!! It will be even better if I gain close to 25 pounds, which is still a good gain, but I usually gain quickly at the end and I have never gained less than 25 pounds, usually just on 30 pounds. I want enough food so the baby can grow properly and put on the right amount of fat. Most of my bubs are around 7 or 8 pounds, and that would be fine. I try to wait until I am hungry before I eat my next meal. That is my system. Not going hungry. And I get hungry a LOT!

I didn't feel like taking a pic yesterday so I don't have one at exactly 22 weeks. Too busy and tired, I guess. Today was pretty easy. DS8 is away with his dad for 3 weeks. And DD is off to her dad's for 2 days, so there is less shuttling and running. I don't even need to head out this evening to Knotts. Woohoo! I think I'll go to bed early.

My belly is undulating and jumping when I lay on my back. The kicks are very apparent. I love this stage.

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