Sunday, July 8, 2007

Amnio Report

I got a copy of the amnio report from the doctor. I will transcribe most of it here, because I think it is really interesting.
The indications for this exam were advanced maternal age & positive first trimester screen.
Multiple longitudinal and transverse sections revealed a singleton intrauterine pregnancy with the fetus in transverse presentation. The amiotic fluid volume appears to be normal. The placenta is posterior in implantation, grade 0 in appearance and there is no placenta previa.
{then there are the same measurements shown in an earlier post}
The average gestational age is 17 weeks 2 days +/- 7 days.
The fetal cranium appeared normal in shape. The choroid plexus was well visualized, the lateral ventricles were not dilated and the midline structures were not deviated. The cerebellum and cisterna magna were visualized and appeared normal. The fetal face appears normal. Anatomy of the fetal thorax appeared within normal limits. The cardiac size and structures appeared sonographically normal at the four chamber view, and the cardiac rhythm was regular. The abdominal cavity appears normal. The fetal stomach appears normal. Both kidneys appear within normal limits. The fetal bladder appears normal. The abdominal wall appears intact. The spine was visualized from cervical to sacral region, within the resolution of the ultrasound equipment, without evidence of a neural tube defect. Active movement of the extremities was seen and fetal body motion was also observed during this examination. Normal male genitalia were observed during this examination. The placenta appears within normal limits. There is a 3 vessel cord with normal insertion site.
Within the cranium, the cavum septi pellucidi were visualized and the third and fourth ventricles are not dilated. The face appeared normal with the upper lip intact in multiple views, including the facial profile. There is no evidence for hypo/hypertelorism as well. No evidence for nuchal thickening was encountered. In addition to the reassuring four chamber view of the heart, the cardiac axis was within the normal range. The aortic and interatrial and interventricular septi appeared intact within the resolution of the untrasound equipment. Within the fetal chest, no evidence for a mass or effusion was noted. The diaphragm appears intact bilaterally. the bowel does not appear to be hyperechoic and the liver is unremakable as well. All 12 long bones were imaged without evidence for abnormal shape or position. Likewise the hands and feet were unremarkable and the middle phalanx of the fifth digit appeard of normal size. There was no evidence for polydactyly or syndactyly on either hand or foot. There was no evidence for "sandal toe" as well.
Singleton IUP, intrauterine pregnancy
17 weeks 2 days by this ultrasound, EDC=Nov 26, 2007
Transervse presentation
Fetal growth appears normal
Normal anatomy survey
Posterior placenta
Successful amniocentesis

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