Thursday, August 2, 2007

Really good doctor's appt

I went to my 4-week doctor's appointment this morning. Everything is going great. My blood pressure was 92/57, the baby's heartbeat was 151bpm, and the fundus measured 23cm, which is exactly on target. Doc also told me that I only gained 1 pound in the past month, and said that was great. I know better, though. I think on my last appt I was a little, er, well, retaining weight, if you know what I mean. I also know I have only gained 10 pounds this pg so far, so I *am* doing well, and gaining weight steadily.

I asked him to order some bloodwork to check that all is well with the medication I'm taking. So he ordered a PT and PTT and threw in a cbc and liver enzymes as long as I was going to the lab. It needs to be fasting, and I will need to make arrangements to leave super early one of these mornings to do that. But he doesn't expect anything to be amiss, and neither do I.

I know little buddy is growing strong. He has reached the bladder-trampoline stage. I'm not complaining. I'm glad he is strong enough to cause me to take notice. :-D

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