Sunday, November 25, 2007

busy with baby

Here are 2 pictures that illustrate what I have been doing the past few weeks. Nursing and caring for baby. The first pic shows A nursing. He is an avid nurser. I weighed him yesterday and he was 8.2 pounds with his clothes on. I am so proud of both of us. Proud of him because he is really a great nurser. He does not fall asleep after several sucks as some babies do. He can go 30 minutes on each breast while he is dozing, and continue to get more and more milk, especially the rich hindmilk, as the milk lets down again and again. And I'm proud of myself, because I am still struggling with soreness, and I don't let that interfere with nursing. The soreness is getting less and less, but at the first latch-on, it still feels like stepping into a hot bath with an open sore on one's foot. Ouch! Tomorrow is his actual due date. Yay! So from now on he will start getting more "mature" instead of going through his fetal development. I am looking forward to seeing his smile in another month or so. You will be the second to know. ;-) I'll try to get a pic when that happens.

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