Wednesday, November 7, 2007

postpartum bleeding and lactation

My milk is really coming in today. I think I might try to pump what A doesn't eat for himself. I don't want to lose my abundant supply because of his youth and inexperience. ;-)

I passed a clot yesterday the size of a walnut. And there was one I found the day before the size of a pistachio nut. I wonder if there was retained tissue from the placenta. In 5 prior kids, I have never passed tissue like that before. The good news is that after that happened, the bleeding finally slowed down and the cramping is about 1/4 of what it was. The bad news is that I think I might have lost a lot of blood. We are going to get a CBC run on me today to make sure I have enough red blood cells and to make sure the white count is not too high. I also have night sweats, but that could be from the changing hormones, not necessarily a uterine infection. I have been a little dizzy the past 2 days upon standing up. Good thing I am not driving a car this week. My neighbors, MIL and everybody is pitching in to help get the kids to and from their classes so I don't have to drive. And MIL is driving all the way from Los Angeles, a 1-hour drive to take me to the well baby visit and the lab.

The well-baby visit will figure out what is going on with A's weight and bilirubin. They do a scan of his skin color with some sort of device. Not as exact as a heel stick, but it gives a ballpark figure, they told me. And with that information, I can call the rabbi to get a firm time on the circumcision Sunday afternoon. The rabbi got a little spooked when I told him that A was born at 37 weeks gestation. I am glad that he is cautious with the baby's health. Only it makes a problem calling the caterer and making invitations. Oh well. We do what we can do, right?

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