Thursday, November 15, 2007

Getting organized

I am finally feeling more organized, and like I can handle my life. What I mean is, I was able to run a few errands with the baby yesterday, and it wasn't as bad as I feared. He cried a lot less in his carseat than I imagined he would. And he was a picture of contentment in his sling, which I used when picking up the boys at school and at La Leche League.

Speaking of La Leche, I had a moment there where I thought of my online friends. Well, a couple of moments. There was a pregnant mom sitting next to me who told me that she was due any minute. I asked her exact due date and she said November 18. I said, "oh my gosh! I was due November 26! You are due BEFORE ME!" Well hopefully her time will be here soon. She will be tandem nursing her baby with her toddler. But I remember feeling the frustration with my other pregnancies as time went on. I was so shocked to give birth early this time. Definitely not like me. But my fears did not come true about an early birth. I knew the pushing would be easier with a small child, but I worried that nursing would be SO painful. Well, I did have some soreness, but that has almost completely gone away now and things are going well. I even weighed him on our home scale using the subtraction technique, and he was 7 pounds even with his clothes on. So maybe he is 6.5+ pounds without clothes, meaning that he has surpassed his birth weight 0f 6.25 pounds (he was down to 5 14 last Wednesday). He feels heavier.

I took a pic of myself with A in the Moby Wrap. I love the Moby Wrap. And he loves it too. It is now my favorite carrier. He is my contented little snuggle baby, just like I had hoped. :-D

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