Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Boxland is improving

The boxes are thinning out around here. The problem remains that I haven't run across my camera yet. I know. I hate camera excuses. Like when women online say they have a positive pregnancy test and they have all sorts of excuses why they can't post a picture. Blah, blah, blah. Well it's true. I *do* have new carpeting. And I will share a picture. Really. Really. You *gotta* believe me!

There was another idea for a blog post that I will do. I rent from Netflix. I don't get a lot of movies anymore. I downgraded to only one disk out at a time to save money because I'm so busy with all the kids. I went into my rental returns list to see what movies I really liked, and I want to recommend a few. I enjoyed "Becoming Jane" with Ann Hathaway. Anybody who has read Jane Austen novels will enjoy the back story of her life. It puts so much of what she wrote in context. Another good movie was "Michael Clayton". But really, I'd watch any movie with George Clooney in it. HOLD ME BACK! LOL Juno and Charlie Wilson's War were nice movies and worth renting. Ratatouille was surprisingly nice, with a really great soliloquy towards the end by Peter O'Toole that I wish I had memorized. It said something to the effect that even the smallest, meanest creations are more meaningful than what is produced by the world's critics. And I have to say again that I am absolutely wild about "Meet The Robinsons", an animated feature that has the best, most wholesome message of any children's movie I have ever seen. Watching it has really helped my boy this year to deal with struggling in school. The movie teaches that failure is a learning opportunity, and that we should take responsibility for our own lives and not blame others. And it is a tear-jerker about a boy from an orphanage searching for a family. And don't forget about "Volver". This movie still revolves in my head from time to time. It involves heavy subject matter, so make sure the kids are not around. And maybe not your husband either, lol.

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