Saturday, May 17, 2008

In Appreciation

I want to tell you, my friends, how very much I appreciate you for all you do. I don't know who still reads this blog, but if you see something that seems to be written for you, it is. ;-)

D, you are amazing. You have such a focus on others. You are almost selfless. You are a sweet gift to all who know you. Congratulations on your BRAND new baby boy, C. I can't believe you JUST gave birth again. :D Thank you for being my friend.

L, Thank you for being my friend. We started that group together, you and I. And you hang in even through life's ups and downs and the challenge of special needs in your family. And you retain your ability to love and see the beauty in life that is inspiring to those who know you.

L, congrats on your beta! I love the note on your blog. "infertile ground on which I tread, and sometimes kneel". This brings tears to my eyes. I think about what you have been through and the dangers of "trying" and I am awed by your bravery. I pray that this is the pregnancy that brings you your baby(s).

A, you are right. I was too critical of you. I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me.

LL, thank you for being my friend. How long has it been now? Longer than half a decade. You are strong. You are wise. You are impetuous. You are loyal. You are a great parent. Thank you for not abandoning me. Knowing you are there, if only in companionable silence, has given me strength through difficult times.

M, you are a great lady. Those who know the true you know that. You are a great inner beauty. You know my flaws and I hope you can forgive me for them.

J, you carry the burden of us all on your shoulders and I appreciate all you do for me and for everybody. Your courage shines like a beacon.

S, I love your blog. I wish I had your wit. Then I could make blog posts that make everybody laugh as you make me laugh. Our day to day struggles *are* funny, aren't they. But I am myself, which is OK. I will continue to enjoy your awesome blog and blog away over here with what I have to offer. Vive la difference!

M, we met in San Diego IRL and I will never forget your sweetness and your beauty. You and your husband are so kind and real. Nobody deserves a large family more than the 2 of you. Secondary infertility is SO unfair! I hope there is some way around that. For you 2 and your sweet daughter. Yet you remain connected to the world, displaying bravery I can hardly comprehend.

J, I only recently saw what you have been dealing with. Thank you for being open about something so painful and letting your friends in to help you. There is strength in friendship and I hope your friends can support you through the difficult times, as you have been a steadfast support to others for so long.

Blog Her Ad Ladies, thank you so very much for popping onto my blog to read from time to time. You always notice when I have put extra effort into one post or another and list it on your extra page links. It makes me feel good to think that my words will have the opportunity to help others or open minds, and you do this by your efforts and work. Thank you for taking the time to be interested in others.

LIW, you were the first group I joined on the internet. Back when I didn't know what a blinky was or a photobucket account. You walked me through all that and put up with my growing pains and occasional immaturity. Thank you, old friends. Has it been over 4 years already? It pains me to no end that we still have members ttc #1. The depth of grief that this entails I cannot comprehend. I hope I have not hurt you by insensitivity to your pain. And secondary infertility hurts, too. Thank you for continuing to include me in your group.

J, like I said to you only recently, you are the cornerstone of our little group. You are without peer. Your ability to show compassion and kindness through your words is magical. I am lucky to know you.

PH, It is nice to know you read here. What more can I say after all these years? ;-)

W, you are a brave and wise woman. Your strength in dealing with the special needs in your family is an inspiration. Your family is lucky to have you and I am lucky to have you as a friend.

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