Monday, August 25, 2008

Doc says, "eat more ice cream"

My doc called today with the results of my recent physical. Everything checked out great. And my blood work was wonderful. Cholesterol 148, triglycerides 85, HDL 54, and LDL 77. Everything was within normal limits. He says I should keep doing what I am doing diet-wise. And if I wanted to eat a few more treats, that would be OK.

WARNING: Stop here if you have a weak stomach.

When I was younger, I used to eat a lot more red meat, butter and whole milk. Then in the 1980s I decided to cut back on that, and gear more towards chicken and fish and vegetables. In the mid 1990s I attended chiropractic college, where I took Anatomy. This consisted of lots of study, and a cadaver dissection that lasted 8 months. It was this lab portion that affected me even more strongly and changed my eating habits forever. Seeing the difference between healthy bodies and fatty bodies was shocking. I remember one female cadaver in particular who was overweight. It was very difficult to perform the dissection because the fat was everywhere. Infiltrating everything, even the internal organs and around the heart. And when all was said and done, she really was a tiny woman. Small ribcage, small bones. Just choked with fat. And there was another female cadaver. This one was a healthy weight. Not wasting away, just average. Her organs were perfect, just like the anatomy textbook. We called her Mrs. Netter (Netter was the writer of the textbook). I remembered Mrs. Netter again a few years back during my colonoscopy. I got to watch during the procedure on the video monitor. I was amazed that my internal anatomy was just like I had seen in the textbook, just like Mrs. Netter.

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