Sunday, August 3, 2008

I went to a car show

I think I was a good sport. DH asked if I wanted to go to a car show. My first reaction was, of course, No. But I stopped myself. Didn't I have more fun at the air show a couple of months back than I thought I would? Am I not a mother of many young boys who really like these sorts of things? Would it perhaps be a nice experience for the family? I went. But I tried to impress DH with the thought of how open-minded I was being. I told him that I was happy to be going to the car show. And the next time the craft show was in town, I expected him to go with me with no complaints. He let out a big guffaw! The funny part is that I don't ever go to craft shows. I just wanted him to understand it from my point of view. ;-)

I have always thought there was something sexy about the De Lorean.

This one makes for a nice, colorful picture.

At ease, boys.

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