Wednesday, December 31, 2008

There is something wrong with the news media

You know how the news the past week has been full of stories about the bombs in Gaza? This reminded me of something Trax and I talked about when we had lunch last month.

I was asking her how things were going where she lives, in the far north of Israel. Reminding her how worried I was about her a few years ago when they were being shelled from Lebanon. She said things were OK in the north, but the southern cities were being shelled from Gaza. "Oh, yes, of course," I mumbled, trying to cover for the fact that I had not known that. A flash of irritation. Why didn't I know that. Why does our news media not find it newsworthy when Israeli cities are shelled day after day after day. Why does the United Nations not find that worthy of condemnation. But let the Israelis defend themselves, after a long period of patience, more than most any nation on Earth would show, and they are roundly condemned for shelling Gaza.

Don't search for obscure stories that I missed and tell me that there was reporting about the early shelling. I'm talking about the mainstream American media. News stories going on and on that you cannot miss, even if you are not a new hound. Because that is what is going on now. And if you are not paying attention, you might think that Israel is the bad guy. And that's not fair.

Think of what would happen if Mexico started lobbing shells at San Diego. How fair would it be if we had to sit here day after day taking it, then when we decided to defend ourselves, the world suddenly took notice and condemned us?

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