Monday, February 16, 2009

Another great trip

Not to say that I actually enjoyed the airplane part with the 4 boys. But it was great to take them to the suburban midwest and then the rural midwest. There were tons of cousins and relatives and new toys to play with (new to them). And the 5 and 9-y-o boys went to an afternoon trip to some farmland owned by my cousin, where they rode around on a quad (no roll bar) and a large go-cart (with roll bars). Just hanging out with family like that is so refreshingly un-Californian. No play dates to schedule. Just family time. Nice.

And Aunt M is hanging in there. She even gained 6 pounds, which is awesome. She looks stronger to me now than she did last October. As long as she can hold steady or gain weight, she stays one step ahead of her colon cancer. I am praying and praying over here for her health.

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