Thursday, February 19, 2009

I love children's literature!

I remember rolling my eyes when my daughter, at age 10, advised me to read the book "Harry Potter". Sure, sure. I'll read your kid's book as soon as I find the time. Of course, I have read, reread and love the entire series.

The Twilight Saga also falls into the adolescent literature category. Really fun read.

Recently, I started reading the Inkheart series. I had ordered the hardback trilogy through the school's book order process. I started reading the book to my 9-y-o, but he thought the book was too slow, and informed me that the Inheart books were more "girl" books. I didn't want to waste the purchase, so I started reading them on my own, and now I'm halfway through book 3.

Then this last weekend, since Inheart was too heavy to carry on the plane, I grabbed a paperback book that looked interesting. My 18-y-o boy had left it in my car, and I remembered that it is one of his favorites. Well, I finished Ender's Game in 2 days. It was insanely good. And so deep. I can't stop thinking about it. There are so many things in it. Here is the review.
Intense is the word for Ender's Game. Aliens have attacked Earth twice and almost destroyed the human species. To make sure humans win the next encounter, the world government has taken to breeding military geniuses -- and then training them in the arts of war... The early training, not surprisingly, takes the form of 'games'... Ender Wiggin is a genius among geniuses; he wins all the games... He is smart enough to know that time is running out. But is he smart enough to save the planet?

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