Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rule out poisoning

That was what I wrote on the sign-in sheet at the emergency room this morning. My 4-y-o boy ate something unidentified this morning. It had a yellow-orange staining quality, like cumin or saffron or something, which was all down the front of his shirt and on a kitchen towel, but we could not detect any missing or moved spices. It looked like yellow stuff mixed with brown coffee grounds or cinnamon. I could not detect a smell and tried to taste it with my tongue, but did not detect salt, sweet or spices. So then I changed his shirt and started driving him to school when he said, "I ate M&Ms from Daddy's bathroom". 8-0!#%*! I called my husband and we both turned around and went back home to go through every conceivable medicine in the house. I counted all the Bayer 81mg aspirins I just bought. There were no missing Tylenol (the most dangerous medicine in the house). So we decided a trip to the ER was in order, to rule out poisoning. His lab tests were mostly normal, and the abnormal parts, the doctor explained, were typical for a boy his age. So he got a doctor's note to go back to school and was there by lunchtime. I sure hope he is alright.
And then, because I obviously had not been through enough already today, I dropped my cell phone and the screen cracked.

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