Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gotta love a welfare state!

Here is a comment that resonated. My thoughts exactly.
We have now joined the rush toward Socialism. Our Founding Fathers ran from a big government that said it knew best. They created a government of negative rights. Simply put, it told government what it could not do that each of us could pursue our own American dream. We should look to our Founding Fathers and Presidents like Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Presidents who believed in strong government that ensured the rights of the people, not a big government that told people how to live. I would encourage people to remember the President Carter era and look to lessons of other countries that felt government should have greater influence on daily lives. In one stroke of the Executive Pen following the votes of two houses of the Legislature we have mortgaged the future of our children. This more than just being an economic superpower, we were. This is about future of our children and their children. This about the move toward a government that controls aspects of life.

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