Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Let's get along

I want to. I really do. I bite my tongue until it bleeds. So forgive me for making posts that mention politics. The United States of America is my country. I care for it very much. And I see it going down, down, down like the DOW Jones Industrial average. Can we stop the madness? Can we stop passing spending bills to the tune of hundreds of billions on a weekly basis? Can we stop socializing the country? Can we just slow down? PLEASE?????

I found some comments on the internet that I agree with:
"I had hopes that 4 years of Obama wouldn't be too terrible and that we could fix his crazy mistakes in 2012... how dumb was I? He has been in office a month and he is honest to God destroying our country as we know it. A month, and he has already spent over a trillion with no end in sight. He looks in the camera and tells us 'no pork in this bill' and it's a blatant lie. He plans to sneak national health care (paid for by higher taxes on people who already pay more than their share) past us and he won't even bat an eye. When will the revolt start? I know there's the tea party thing, but honestly, we need more than that. Our country is being taken from us day by day of this administration."

"You guys have no idea how bad universal health care is. I spent 5 years in Canada under U.H.C and its the worst. Say you went to the hospital with chest pains and the doctor did an E.K.G. 2 months later it happens again only this time the government refuses the second E.K.G or blood test because you had on two months think im kidding..those of you that think its a good idea had better do your homework and fast!!"

"In a Scandinavian country they factor in the number of people who will die waiting to see a doctor and then the wait for surgery. Try 3 years for heart surgery, 6 months for a pace maker, or try traveling hundreds of miles to the hospital that specializes in your illness. Hope you don't mind family and friends not visiting you as you die in that hospital. Why do you think we have so many Canadian doctors in this country? It isn't because they love leaving their families. Good ones go where the opportunities are and not where they are told how much they will make the rest of their lives. You will become a liability to every doctor you see and not an asset. Doctors will be government workers!!! If that doesn't scare you, you are brain dead already."

"Ya hear that, old people? BO is thinking you aren't really worth that much health prepare to get by with much less."

"Oh, heck folks...millions of dollars...that's not much...throw in a few trillions..and that's not much. Soon, we will print more and more money...and if you want a loaf of bread...we'll be like the other third-world countries...get our wheel-barrows and haul the money to the merchant to get our loaves of bread....not to worry...we will be there soon enough need to be's JUST MONEY...WAKE UP PEOPLE..."

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