Monday, May 31, 2010

Date Rape Drugs Equal Attempted (or real) Murder

This is no joking matter. Secretly drugging someone could end up killing them.

Before you take this personally, let me say that this rant is not directed at any of my regular readers. You guys/gals are great. However, there are those who read here by way of Google or odd links who need a little more education, apparently.

For example, my blog traffic doubled for a couple of days this week. Sitemeter showed that I had been linked on a forum called Adventure Rider, Ride the World. This is a motorcycling forum, on which there is one thread that has been going on for around 5 years, titled Toxic Britney. Lately the "riders" had been posting pictures of "toxic drunk chicks" and put up one of the gal I had here passed out in the bathroom, with a link to the Rape In Dubai post and the comment "you can take 'em whereever (sic) you find them". That was bad enough. Then 3 pages later, someone quotes that post along with the link and makes a comment that "the sale of roofies is going through the roof in Dubai."

Not funny.


Hey, you Jay Leno wannabe.  You think this is funny?  Do you know that some guys read this and act on it?  Do you really think it is OK to encourage guys to drug women without their consent/knowledge?  There is a legal term for that, by the way: "gross, or 'wicked' negligence".  I think every one who does it should be thrown in jail for attempted murder.

In fact, listen up any of you who think this is OK. Yeah, I'm talking to you, you RAT B@STARD! You impotent cretin. You sniveling pile of cowardly horse $hit. You cheap-@$$ $on of a B*TCH. Go to Nevada and buy a WHORE. Leave the little girls ALONE. Or is it that you get off on destroying good girls. Sweet girls who trust you enough to take a drink from you. They will never trust any man again after you are through with them. Does that make you happy?

Are you happy when the girl starts vomiting? How about when she defecates on herself. People do that before they die. Are you monitoring her vital signs every second, like an anesthesiologist is supposed to do? Are you shocked when you find she has stopped breathing and turned cold? Yes. You are a murderer. You worthless scum.

And if any ladies are still reading, here are some crime-fighting tips:
These odorless, tasteless drugs can be sprinkled into a woman's drink if she glances away for even a moment – or dripped from an eyedropper (even bartenders are often arrested).

• Don’t accept a drink from an open container or a stranger.
• Don’t leave your drink while dancing or playing pool.
• Don’t rely on a friend to watch your drink for you.
• Don’t think putting a napkin over your glass protects you from date rape drugs. Keep your glass in your hand at all times.

If you have any doubt, pour it out. And don't accept a cigarette – they, too, can be drugged...

Ms. Natalee Holloway made a common mistake: drinking without a sober girlfriend nearby to protect her.

• Beware of guys drinking. Alcohol (especially) and drugs weakened 90 percent of women date rape victims. Eat plenty of food while limiting drinks to one or two per hour.
• Go to parties with girlfriends, watch out for each other, and leave together – not with a new beau. At least one of you should be the "Sober Sister" to safeguard the others.
• If you’re alone, don’t announce that you’re walking home. Have taxi money for a ride home. If you, your date, a girlfriend, or if you see any woman exhibit any of the above date rape drugs symptoms (or too much alcohol), get help immediately and call 911 for the police.
More at Crime Safety Security dot com.

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